Co-Curricular Activites [Total 44 Videos]

Co-Curricular Activities


Drinking water every day is important for your health. Drinking water can prevent dehydration results in unclear thinking, mood change, cause your body to overheat, and lead to constipation and kidney stones. Water helps your body to keep a normal temperature, promotes weight Loss, flushes out toxins, increases energy & relieves fatigue.


Dear Children, Plogging is a combination of jogging with picking up litter. Plogging was included to the Fit India Movement as a unique way of combining cleanliness and fitness. Plogging Run combines the Fit India Movement and Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan. While traditionally, cleanliness leads to a healthy lifestyle, the reverse is true with Plogging run. So Children, let’s make this movement successful which will lead to better sports culture in the country.


Dear Children, It is the primary duty of every citizen to keep his or her surroundings clean. To generate awareness and bringing about a behaviour change regarding hygiene practices, a Swachhta Abhiyaan Rally was organized. By organizing such events, every citizen of India will have an understanding about their responsibility of ensuring cleanliness and be motivated to join hands together to make this Swachhta Abhiyaan Initiative a successful mission.

INVESTITURE CEREMONY – 2022 / अलंकरण समारोह - 2022

“Great leaders don’t set out to be leaders; they set out to make a difference. It’s never about the role – always about the goal.” Investiture ceremony is an important occasion, which was held with great pomp and dignity in a special ceremony at AECS-2 School Assembly area where it entrusts its upcoming leaders with certain roles and responsibilities. A ceremony of investiture is symbolic of a myriad of different important aspects of human life- growth, maturity, belief, faith, duty and sincerity, to name a few. Delegation of responsibility and giving authority to children is important as it teaches them lifelong skills of being powerful and caring at the same time. The ceremony was held with lots of zeal and zest. The parents of the Council Members, too, were filled with pride at the sight of their children marching steadily towards being leaders for tomorrow.

BAL SABHA - बाल सभा

Dear Students,

AECS-2, Mumbai organized a Bal Sabha, which provides an opportunity for children to engage in a healthy environment with their peers. These assemblies introduce complex ideas through interactive mediums, such as skits, debates, & question/answer sessions, which enable children to voice their opinions and ask questions freely. They often help the school in discovering hidden talents like children were given a chance to go on stage and display their talents like dance, music, riddles etc. These activities are supplementary to Classroom Education. They are not directly linked to the course Curriculum but they form an important part of it by allowing students to engage in the learning experiences. The current education system in India is focusing on incorporating co-curricular activities in schools. They play an essential role in a student’s life by enhancing the learning process at school. Shri.Rajveer Tanwar, Vice-Principal interacted with children and his interactions, riddles and jokes were well taken by the audience.


A Cyclothon was organized in connection with observance of ‘World Bicycle Day’ for students/parents of AECS-2 to promote healthy and non-sedentary living habits as responsible citizens. I exhorted the participants to use cycles wherever possible to reduce the Carbon footprint on mother earth. The bicycle contributes to cleaner air, less congestion, makes education, health care, and other social services more accessible to the most vulnerable populations. Providing a simple and sustainable means of transportation, bicycling is rejuvenating for our physical- and mental health, and good for the economy, and the environment.